I was tagged… 5 Things

Posted by cybertoad on 08/15/2006 in fun stuff |

Kathy tagged me so here goes…

5 things in my refrigerator:
1. gallon of 1% milk
2. jar of minced garlic
3. lite grapefruit juice (love this stuff)
4. diet Pepsi (for Kenny)
5. couple of Portobella mushrooms caps (great for dinner)

5 things in my closet:
1. my purses
2. my belts
3. piles of shoes (both mine & Kenny’s)
4. lots of clothes (both mine & Kenny’s)
5. our empty luggage

5 things in my purse:
1. cell phone
2. Palm Pilot
3. lipstick
4. pill box full of Advil
5. iPod

5 things in my car:
1. half empty bottle of water
2. fuel additive (for next time I fill up)
3. small box of Kleenex
4. hand towel (extremely handy!)
5. cell phone charger

5 people that get tagged:
1. Pamela
2. Shirl
3. Pat
4. Karen
5. Anyone else who wants to join the fun…

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