I hate being sick.

Posted by cybertoad on 12/12/2006 in me, misc, re-caps |

Ugh. I have been battling congestion since last Tuesday – a full week ago!! It started off as allergies (unknowingly went to a house that had cats) that required taking Claritin for a couple of days. Then it evolved into something more sinister over the weekend.

Sure, I was fighting off exhaustion and I knew I was doing too much but hey, gifts had to be bought, events needed attending, friends had to be seen… Well, I never shook off the stuffy nose and fatigue and yesterday it became a cold. *sigh*

I have now been taking some generic NyQuil equivalent (which is just as effective) and although I am sleeping soundly at night I am still fighting the scratchy throat, stuffed nose and head congestion throughout the day. It just sucks. Add to that the complete feeling of dehydration all the various medicines I have taken have caused and you get a better understanding of how miserable I feel. Since I plan on taking Thursday and Friday off already though, I don’t want to call in sick. I did come in 2 hours later today so I could let the medicine take effect but I still have one more full work day to survive! Ack!

And of course, my weekend was once again busy… A quick re-cap can be found in the extended section…

Friday: Had dinner with good, good friends CJ & Susan’s family who were in town for their wedding… afterward headed to a salsa party my teacher was hosting. Stayed too late helping clean-up but had a nice time dancing at the party!

Saturday: Slept in late and did nothing until it was time to go to the wedding that afternoon.

Saturday night: CJ & Susan’s wedding! Yay! Ran around and took pictures. My feet were killing me by the end of the night not to mention that my allergies were once again aggravated by a cat who lived there.

Sunday: Another late start but not too bad. We got up, had lunch, ran errands and visited with Hanna, Michael and the new baby Emma. I skipped salsa because I was feeling the onset of the cold but we were bad and did a little more Christmas shopping instead of going straight home and resting.


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